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July 16th, 2014
In this episode Jad and Kevin discuss an article Kevin found about a kid getting expelled from his school for having a weapon in his car. Well maybe it...
Episode Keywords:
anti-authority · authoritarian · authoritarianism · children · civil disobedience · control · education · guns · ignorance · libertarian · libertarianism · police abuse · regulations |
At last we reach the end of a five part series focused on the objectification of women. We’ve been joined for this entire conversation with local Austin artist, Adrienne Parker, and began our discussion around […]
For our forth installment of Blurred Misogyny, we are joined again by local Austin artist, Adrienne Parker. In this episode we turn our attention away from how the media specifically portrays the female form and […]
We are joined once again by local Austin artist, Adrienne Parker as she discusses a controversial music video with us called Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke. For our third part of this series we consider […]
This week we continue our discussion with local Austin artist, Adrienne Parker on the topic of Robin Thicke’s controversial music video Blurred Lines. In this second of five parts we delve into the idea of […]
Today we hit an amazing milestone in the history of the JKPodcast. From small and humble beginnings, we now stand in front of our our 100th episode! To celebrate this occasion and to start the […]
In a fun twist of roles, one of the editors of the JKPodcast (Lee) asked if we could do an episode discussing libertarian and anarchist positions of environmentalism. Although we had intended just to record […]
This week we follow up with a recent trip Kevin took to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Jad and Kevin discuss some of the experiences their respective coworkers and Kevin had while traveling through American and […]
In this final part detailing the Libertarian Party of Texas’s 2014 state convention, Jad and Kevin talk about the three to four hour long discussion the Libertarian delegates had over borders and immigration. While platform […]
In this episode Jad and Kevin look at the world for what it is, a giant chess board with maniacal, sociopathic, dictatorial people moving the pieces around to their financial pleasure. We consider just ten […]
Jad and Kevin branch out from the usual political conversations and delve a bit deeper into the technical details of Bitcoin this week. Bearing in mind of course that Bitcoin is certainly affecting policies. We […]
As Kevin’s campaign for the 2014 Texas State House of Representatives ticks on, Jad and Kevin discuss the first major breakthrough the campaign has seen, in this case entirely thanks to Reddit. Besides that little […]
As many people across the United States may have seen on television, a pseudo-debate was hosted between Bill Nye and Ken Hamm. We won’t go into detailing who Bill Nye is because if you’re listening […]
Recently one of the country’s most famous idiots, Sarah Palin, made some some off-colored remarks about the NRA. Around the same time a man few had ever heard of before named Donald Sterling (incidentally the […]
In this second of three parts detailing the Libertarian Party of Texas’s 2014 state convention, Jad and Kevin discuss the gubernatorial race. The race essentially came down to two candidates, Kathie Glass and Robert Bell. […]
In the second part of our talk on human communication, Jad and Kevin discuss being comfortable while trying new things. It seems this is a pretty common element to therapy. Jad tells us a little […]
After Kevin experienced the emotions that came with a failed relationship, Jad and Kevin decide to spend a few episodes discussing human communication. The topic actually fits extremely well into the political spectrum since let’s […]
With Kevin currently running for the Texas House of Representatives, he definitely felt he should attend his own party’s 2014 state convention. Over the next three Monday Morning episodes Jad and Kevin will walk through […]
This week Jad and Kevin spend a little less time debating political theories and a little more time discussing current world events. In the past few months there have been several very serious uprisings happening […]
This week Jad and Kevin revisit an older topic of conversation and one that has come up in the podcast several times. The gist of that conversation is learning how to say no to people […]
As part of our ongoing Monday Morning Campaign Update series, Jad and Kevin talk about Kevin’s run on the campaign trail over the past two weeks. Since we last chatted about it, Kevin had the […]
This week we examine the problem of citing individual cases to represent collective problems. Our primary focus tends towards the misrepresentation of the rights of women in the United States. Violence, rape, power dynamics, and […]
On May 28th of 2013, plans to replace an Istanbul park with a modern mall sparked a small sit-in-style protest in Turkey. The peaceful protestors were quickly met with violence from the state, a mistake […]
As part of our ongoing Monday Morning Campaign Update series, Jad and Kevin talk about the financial information gathering process Texas candidates are subjected to. Since Kevin is experiencing this process first hand (as a […]
Last June an interesting story broke regarding unpaid internships. The short is that two people who interned on the set of Black Swan (a major Hollywood production staring Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis) sued Fox […]
In this week’s episode, Jad and Kevin discuss how state bodies are able to use people’s children as a mechanism of control. You’ve undoubtedly seen this methodology displayed in countless movies over the years. Whether […]
As a continuation of our Monday Morning Campaign Update series, Kevin and Jad talk about some of the interesting candidate questionnaires Kevin has been receiving on the campaign trail. The short of the story is […]
In this final part of a three part series, we conclude our discussion regarding justice within a society. Our friend, Tom de Lorenzo, is back to help us play this one out. For this third […]
In the second episode of a three part series, we continue discussing the idea of justice with our friend and local author, Tom de Lorenzo. After following up with a bit of our conversation from […]
Welcome to our first Monday Morning Campaign Update. Like our “Throwback Thursday” series, this will be another sub-series of our podcast. This particular set will focus on discoveries Kevin has whilst on the campaign trail. […]
In this first episode of a three part series, our friend and local Austin author, Tom de Lorenzo, takes Jad and Kevin on a journey into the word justice. The three of us consider differences […]
This week Jad and Kevin pick back up where they left off last week with a discussion of local governments spending taxpayer money on citywide projects. Amongst many other things, we finish talking about a […]
In November of 2006 a small group of people in North Austin formed a coalition in an effort to block Wal-Mart from building a 225,000 sq ft “Super Center” in their neighborhood. The group grew […]
On a recent winter vacation into the Colorado mountains, Kevin had the pleasure of stopping by one of their new signature marijuana stores. If you’re not familiar with the concept, as of January 1st, 2014, […]
After discussing the possibility of this for quite some time, Kevin officially announces his candidacy for the Texas House of Representatives in Texas House District 46. Jad and Kevin discuss the nuances of filing candidate […]
As of January 1st, 2014, the State of Colorado has deemed it 100% legal for any adult in the state to purchase and consume marijuana. Kevin and his girlfriend recently took a trip to the […]
And a happy 2014 to everyone out there in JKPodcast-land! In this final episode of a three part series, we are once again joined by our friend Tom de Lorenzo to discuss the topics of […]
Happy holidays to all of our faithful JKPodcast listeners (if you’re into the whole Santa thing). In this second part of a three part episode we’re joined again by our friend Tom de Lorenzo to […]
What is objective morality? What is subjective morality? This week we’re joined by our old friend Tom de Lorenzo for the first of three parts discussing morality and ethics. It always seems at first glance […]
If you’ve never thought about how development regulations get handed down from the Federal government to the states and then to local municipalities, here’s your chance. Jad and I explore the topic of building permits […]
We’re joined again this week by our friend Tom de Lorenzo for the second of two parts on the state and religion. Following up from last week, we consider specifically how religion is being used […]
This week we’re joined by our old friend Tom de Lorenzo for the first of two parts on the state and religion. We consider how religion and government share the common thread of convincing people […]
Jad once asked his wife how often, as a woman, she felt that she could be physically dominated by a man? Having never thought about it before, her response of “always” struck him as a […]
This week we’re joined by our old friend and local Austin author, Tom de Lorenzo. The three of us discuss how women fit into libertarianism and anarchism. We essentially consider the fact that many modern […]
Although we don’t usually get into specific local government discussions, that’s exactly what we have in store this week. After decades of having an at-large council, the public finally voted to allow single-member-districts in the […]
This week is the first episode of a 6-part series dedicated to the Austin Independent School District. Jad and I had the pleasure of meeting a veteran teacher several years older than the both of […]
We never thought we’d get here, but alas, 52 episodes later the JKPodcast has survived an entire year! We conclude this week with a tragic situation not unlike the one we started with. Only instead […]
In the first of a two-part series, Jad and Kevin discuss the many ways in which terrorism like that of the Boston Marathon Bombings could prevail if only people were really inclined to kill indiscriminately. […]
This week Jad and Kevin explore the ways in which the government has adapted its tactics since the Vietnam War. Consider two such examples: after people largely rejected the drafting of soldiers, the new method […]
This week Jad and Kevin conclude their discussion of the Travyon Martin and George Zimmerman situation. This is the second part of a two part conversation that began last week. One part of the episode […]
With the recent acquittal of George Zimmerman, the man accused of shooting and killing 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, Jad and Kevin dive into the philosophical sides surrounding the case. We look at gun violence in the […]
In the first of a two-part series, Jad and I Discuss the many ways in which terrorism like that of the Boston Marathon Bombings could prevail if only people were really inclined to kill indiscriminately. […]
We start this episode by considering a recent supreme court case questioning whether or not remaining silent could potentially be used as admission of guilt. We relaize this premise is amazingly absurd, but it’s really […]
As a continuation of our Throwback Thursday series, we bring you back to November 7th, 2012, just one day after the general presidential election whereby Barack Obama secured his second term in office. We discuss […]
This week Kevin and Jad discuss the age old idea of civil disobedience. Think Gandhi; think Martin Luther King. If you’re into religion (which we’re definitely not), you might even think of Jesus. We consider […]
This week Jad and I get into a short discussion about children. Jad and his wife are preparing for the birth of their first child and Jad is especially interested in avoiding a life of […]
Hey JKPodcast fans, it’s time for another Throwback Thursday! This time, we travel back, way back, to one our earliest conversations. The date was Sept. 19. 2012–I remember it like it was yesterday . . […]
This week Jad and Kevin spend another episode talking about the now famous Wendy Davis filibuster against the Texas Republicans. Our focus is less on the actual abortion bill that she was attempting to block […]
On June 25th of 2013, Texas State Senator Wendy Davis led what was, depending on your point of view, either a very famous or very notorious eleven-hour filibuster against a Republican bill restricting abortion access […]
This episode takes us, for the second time, back to November 14th, 2012. After a discussion Jad and I had regarding abstract arguments, we diverged even further into the realm of pragmatic vs. philosophical arguments. […]
This week Jad and I consider the idea of how a government forms – essentially out of thin air. Once a government gets up and running, we go on to consider how people are convinced […]
There’s no doubt that millions of Americans have long since suspected their government was spying on them regularly. Of course these people have also long been referred to as paranoid conspiracy theorists. Thanks to the […]
In this episode we travel back in time to November 14th, 2012, just a week after President Obama was re-elected. (caption: Devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy in late 2012.) Our episode this week focuses on […]
On August 11th of 2012 a drunken and incapacitated high school girl in Steubenville Ohio was repeatedly sexually assaulted by some of her peers. The incident was posted on a variety of social media outlets […]
This week Jad introduces us to a philosophical idea he had been twirling around in his head about giving up on the political process. He essentially concludes that once you’ve discovered without question that the […]
This week we bring you another of our Throwback Thursday episodes. If you’re just now joining us, our Throwback Thursday series is comprised of earlier recordings that never made the final cut. Essentially podcast b-sides. […]
This week we conclude our two-part episode on finding common ground. In the first part of this discussion, Jad, Tom and I discuss varying methods, strategies, and pitfalls for finding common ground in which to […]
This week we begin the first of a two-part episode primarily focused on the idea of finding common ground in political discourse. In a round-about way we’ve actually discussed the topic many times before, but […]
We’ll get to the topics in just a moment, but first a little note about the podcast. This week is a little different for us. Over the past 9 months now, Jad and I have […]
This week, an ongoing story that we’ve had our eyes on. It’s supposed to culminate on July 4th when, according to the event’s organizers, 1000+ armed persons will walk from Virginia into the District of […]
In this week’s episode, Jad and I discuss one of Kevin’s all time favorite political and economic topics: risk and reward. Jad starts our episode off with a fictitious example of how the concept politically […]
Logic, its limits and a smattering of related topics are the subjects of discussion in this edition of the jkpodcast. This episode is material recorded while Tom, Kevin and I are kicking around ideas for […]
This week we do a shorter segment on a topic dear to the both of us – educating children. We talk a little bit about public schooling, Catholic schooling, and religious beliefs that are taught […]
Today we talk about plastic bags . . . Wait, it’s more interesting than it sounds! We use the example of a plastic bag ban that recently went into effect in Austin to talk about […]
This week we conclude our previous week’s episode with a larger discussion on the Freedom of Conscience. If you didn’t get an opportunity to hear the build-up to the topics within this episode, please have […]
Hello and welcome once again to the JKPodcast. This week we’re presenting the first of a two-part episode primarily focusing on the Freedom of Conscience. Our conversation on the topic was actually a spin-off from […]
This week we discuss the role that the media plays in global conflicts. Regardless of one’s personal political views, the topics within should be relevant to virtually every person in the world. The strategy of […]
This week we leave you with another of our shorter episodes. Our topic begins with Jesse Jackson Jr., the son of well known Reverend Jesse Jackson and also a former member of the US House […]
This week, Tom, Kevin and I, have a relatively light-hearted chat about the brand new pope, the previous retired pope, the Jesuit order–with a sprinkle of Alex Jones–and Catholicism in general. Material from Podcast Music […]
This week we had some left over content and managed to string it together for yet another mini-episode. Our topics are as interesting as they are disturbing and include nuclear blasts, online nuclear simulators, the […]
In this week’s episode, Jad, Kevin, and special guest Tom DeLorenzo discuss the fate of Chris Dorner. Chris was a 33-year old Naval Reservist turned LAPD police officer who recently and allegedly killed himself after […]
The first in a two part series examining various aspects of the Chris Dorner affair. After an brief recap of the relevant events, Kevin expresses his disbelief at the militarized and trigger happy LAPD manhunt […]
In an effort to continue evolving the show, Jad proposes the idea that the show occasionally focus on local Austin politics. Kevin has spent some time working in various local political organizations and was immediately […]
In the second part of our very first two-part episode, Jad and Kevin continue their discussion of whether or not people prefer being slaves. As we noted in the previous episode, the idea is pretty […]
In our very first two-part episode, Jad and Kevin discuss the idea of whether or not people prefer being slaves. The idea is pretty simple: there’s an almost endless supply of examples illustrating how people […]
As we were gearing up for a pretty long discussion on modern slavery, we accidentally found ourselves amidst a discussion of local Austin shooting ranges. This is probably because Kevin had recently purchased a new […]
Another of our mini-episodes, this is actually a followup to a previous episode. Jad and I get into a small discussion about mercenary groups, their history, and how the United States has been increasingly relying […]
This week’s episode marks the longest recording we’ve released to date in our reasonably short catalog. We tried trimming it down it bit, but there was just too much juicy discussion to ignore. Hopefully everyone […]
Despite the length of the title, this is a tiny installment, barely lengthy enough to be considered episode 9 of the jkpod jkpodcast. This mini-episode (relative to the others), is comprised of a short stretch […]
As you may know, Kevin recently completed a book, “American Healthcare: A Moderate Approach,” which is a quick but broad-spectrum read about healthcare, insurance, micro-economics, business, and the political process. His analysis is leavened with […]
In this segment, we talk about David Siegel’s warning to employees that he would close his business if Obama was re-selected. Kevin shares a parallel story of life in LA, where his productivity and hussle […]
We’ve got some pretty tough topics to tackle this week. With a spotlight still on the 2012 presidential election, and in addition many other incidental points discovered along the way, we discuss the emptiness of […]
In this episode we explore how human beings respond to authority. Since the philosophical ideals of libertarianism sit exactly opposite those of authoritarianism, Jad and I are essentially always focused on this topic. I think […]
“If men were angels, no government would be necessary” –James Madison Human beings respond to incentives. It doesn’t matter how many good people there are, if there is an opportunity for taking advantage of people, […]
In this episode we’ll be looking at some of the recent turmoil in Libya. As you probably know, the country has been experiencing a number of radical changes since Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown in October […]
In this episode we explore some of the b-sides to a third-party system political system. The pretext to this exploration was considering whether or not a third-party could exist in the United States at all. […]
11 years after the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, the United States has amounted an unprecedented level of debt, is involved in numerous wars, and has stripped countless civil liberties from […]